”We need a small and limited government!”
- always supports increasing military budget to any excess and expanding foreign policy to insane imperialist levels
”We need a small and limited government, I don’t want Uncle Sam meddling in by personal affairs!”
- opposes gay marriage
- opposes marijuana legalization
- opposes womens’ rights to do what they want with their uteruses
”Pull yourself up from your bootstraps, we don’t need welfare cheats”
- gives billions of dollars in corporate welfare to Exxon and the likes every year
- had no problem giving hundreds of billions in corporate welfare to banks that fucked the economy in 2007
- implements stupid ass trade deals that fucks farmers and forces the government to give them several billions in welfare to keep them afloat
”We are deficit hawks”
- Obamas deficit last year in office was 600bn
- Trumps current deficit in a supposedly winning economy is over 1000bn
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