Could Teflon Don aka The Little Horn actually be the anti-christ?

Reading Time: 16 minutes.

The idea of the Antichrist first popped up in the Letters of John in the Bible, where he’s described as a major enemy of Christ. Later on, during the Middle Ages, the story really took off, with detailed descriptions of his rise to power and reign of terror.

For nearly 2,000 years, people have been pointing fingers, calling various leaders, groups, and even entire institutions the Antichrist (or at least his warm-up act). It’s basically the ultimate insult in religious circles, and even today, the label still gets thrown around whenever someone seems a little too power-hungry, corrupt, or just plain evil.

For centuries, people have speculated about the identity of the Antichrist. Would he be a smooth-talking politician? A billionaire with a god complex? A divisive figure with an inexplicably loyal following? If any of this sounds familiar, well… let’s just say some folks have started connecting the dots on our sitting President. So, does he fit the bill? Let’s break it down and check the receipts. Or, if you want to skip to my defense that he probably isn’t (yet) and can’t handle reading the 7 parallels I’ve drawn, click here.

1. The Antichrist is a Master of Deception

“For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” — Matthew 24:24

The Antichrist is supposed to be a world-class liar who tricks people into following him. T***p, on the other hand, tells lies so shameless and obvious that it’s almost impressive. From claiming he won an election he lost to saying he was arrested with Nelson Mandela (yes, he actually said that), T***p’s ability to ignore reality could make even Lucifer do a slow clap. And the elect? Many evangelical leaders still stand by him, no matter how many Commandments he breakdances over.

Why His Supporters Won’t Believe It

Because he’s turned lying into a performance art, and they eat it up. His supporters don’t see his constant stream of falsehoods as deception—they see it as “telling it like it is.” In their minds, he’s a truth-teller, bravely pushing back against the dreaded “mainstream media.” If he says the sky is green, it’s because they don’t want you to know the truth. This is textbook demagoguery—preying on ignorance by making his followers believe they are the enlightened ones.

2. The Antichrist Loves to Exalt Himself

“He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.” — 2 Thessalonians 2:4

The Antichrist, according to scripture, will be obsessed with self-worship. T***p has literally called himself the “Chosen One” and once retweeted someone saying he was the “second coming of God.” He even held a Bible upside-down in front of a church for a photo-op—because, obviously, he’s super devout. If self-love were a sport, T***p would have a championship ring on every finger (and would still complain that the league was rigged).

Why His Supporters Won’t Believe It

Because they think it’s a joke. When T***p brags about being smarter than military generals, or having a higher IQ than anyone, or being the “most persecuted person in history” (sorry, Jesus), his followers laugh it off. “That’s just T***p being T***p!” Except… he actually believes it. Multiple former staffers have confirmed that T***p takes his own boasts seriously—he’s not just playing a character. But his fans hear the absurdity, assume he’s joking, and give him a free pass.

3. The Antichrist Has a Rabidly Loyal Following

“They worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, ‘Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?’” — Revelation 13:4

One of the Antichrist’s key characteristics is that he’ll have a devoted fan base willing to follow him no matter what. T***p once said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose voters, and, well… he hasn’t exactly been proven wrong. His supporters don’t just admire him; they practically treat him like a religious figure. Some have even prayed over his literal golden statue. Subtle!

The Mark of the Beast

“It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark…” — Revelation 13:16-17

Now, we’re not saying the MAGA hat is literally the Mark of the Beast, but let’s be real—if there was a modern equivalent, that iconic red cap would be a solid contender. Think about it: it’s a symbol of absolute loyalty, a way to instantly identify who’s in and who’s out, and in certain circles, wearing one seems like a requirement just to participate in society.

Not to mention, if you don’t have the hat (or at least the mindset), good luck buying or selling anything at a T***p rally—or Thanksgiving dinner with certain relatives. Plus, that hat might not be permanently attached to your forehead, but judging by how often it’s worn, it may as well be.

Coincidence? We’ll let you decide.

Why His Supporters Won’t Believe It

Because it’s not just political support—it’s a cult. Other politicians don’t have 30-foot shrines of themselves built in farmers’ fields. They don’t have flags, stickers, and heroic paintings of their face plastered on pickup trucks like they’re a messianic figure. T***p’s fans will spend thousands of dollars decorating their vehicles like they’re in some medieval crusade. This is populism on steroids, and his most devoted followers would rather be excommunicated from their own families than question their allegiance.

4. The Antichrist Sows Chaos and Division

“For God is not a God of disorder but of peace—as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.” — 1 Corinthians 14:33

The Antichrist is supposed to be a harbinger of division, pitting people against each other and leaving a trail of societal discord. T***p took that job very seriously, turning Thanksgiving dinners into political war zones and making every single topic—from pandemic response to the color of his spray tan—a matter of intense debate. The man could start a riot over what kind of ketchup to use.

Why His Supporters Won’t Believe It

Because they think the chaos is everyone else’s fault. T***p didn’t divide the country—the fake news media did! The Democrats did! The deep state did! Never mind the fact that he used a literal global pandemic to divide people further, turning Americans against scientists, doctors, schoolteachers, and even their own neighbors. Who else but T***p could convince people that wearing a mask was a political act of war?

5. The Antichrist Thrives on Lawlessness

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie.” — 2 Thessalonians 2:9

The Antichrist is often called the “lawless one,” someone who disregards rules and seeks power through manipulation. T***p’s legal troubles could be a running series on Netflix at this point. Between never following constitutional emoluments, two impeachments, illegal hush money payments, charity fraud, and classified documents mysteriously ending up in his home bathroom, the man treats the law like a speed bump—annoying, but not enough to slow him down.

Why His Supporters Won’t Believe It

Because in their eyes, he’s a martyr. It doesn’t matter that he’s broken laws left and right, from the Emoluments Clause violations to charity fraud to felony convictions. Every indictment, every lawsuit, every criminal charge is proof that he’s being persecuted. If T***p didn’t have felony convictions, they might actually start to doubt him. His supporters believe that the more laws he breaks, the more righteous he must be—because only the system’s greatest enemy would be under attack this much.

I put links to all the cases above and that’s only a handful of the laws he’s blatantly broken before our very eyes. Each one should have been disqualifying. But with these rabid followers, he gets away with it, he doesn’t get called Teflon Don for no reason.

6. The Antichrist Purports to Take Over the World

“And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.” — Revelation 13:7b

The Antichrist is supposed to be a global power grabber, consolidating control over nations with alarming ease. T***p’s first term, however, was all about closing America off from the world. Islamophobia and Muslim bans were an early theme. Then, of course, there was the “great” (but mostly imaginary) wall on the southern border to keep out the never-to-be-seen looming migrant caravans.

But lately, he’s started checking this box in new and deeply unsettling ways. Remember when he casually floated the idea of taking over Greenland? Not purchasingtaking. Then there’s his admiration for world leaders who actually do take over countries, like Putin. T***p’s recent talk about handing Ukraine over to Russia and his purges of military leadership suggest he wouldn’t mind handing entire countries over to dictators as long as they’re nice to him. And let’s not forget his offhand remarks about “taking” war-torn Gaza, as if international land disputes are just Monopoly moves.

Why His Supporters Won’t Believe It

Because they think he’s just joking. When he muses about annexing Greenland or giving Ukraine to Putin, they shrug it off as T***p being T***p. “Oh, he doesn’t really mean that!”—even though history has shown he absolutely does.

Then there’s the mental gymnastics: his supporters simultaneously believe he’s a tough, America-first nationalist and that he should be allowed to do whatever he wants globally. If T***p says he wants to “take over” a country, they assume he must have a really good reason—probably to “own the libs” or protect against whatever conspiracy theory is trending that week. And if he openly admires authoritarian leaders who seize power? Well, maybe that’s a good thing!

At the end of the day, T***p could literally start carving up the world map, and his fans would call it 4D chess. Radical, scary, imperialistic stuff.

Did I miss anything favoring Orange Man as the antichrist? I’m no biblical scholar. But I am a critical thinker, so here comes the defense, way down here at the bottom…

So, is the President The Antichrist?

Okay, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. While he checks a suspicious number of boxes, he’s also missing a few key qualifications.

7. The Antichrist Would Be Directly Opposing Christ and the Christian Church

“opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:4

Whew, I guess you’re off the hook, conservatives. He doesn’t check this last box. Yet. His actions in the Israel/Palestine conflict could half change this. The Antichrist isn’t just a power-hungry demagogue—he’s supposed to be actively persecuting Christians and Jews. The Bible says he will deny Jesus and lead a full-on assault against true believers. T***p, on the other hand, is leaning hard into the religious crowd. Sure, his personal relationship with Christianity is about as deep as a puddle in the desert (Two Corinthians, anyone?), but he’s not exactly out there throwing Christians to the lions.

That said, the Christians he’s appealing to aren’t exactly the most devout group—at least, not if you measure Christianity by things like humility, kindness, and charity. His most vocal religious supporters are the ones who seem to have conveniently forgotten everything Jesus said about loving your neighbor and helping the poor. But persecution? No, he’s got these folks wrapped around his finger. Yet.

For another thing, the scriptures also say the Antichrist is supposed to be suave and sophisticated, and T***p’s entire vibe is more “shady used-car salesman” than “smooth world dominator.” I mean, some of us see him that way, I guess.

At the end of the day, whether or not T***p is the Antichrist is up for debate. But one thing’s for sure—he definitely seems like he might at least be the antichrist’s biggest fan. So, is he the Antichrist? Maybe not officially. But if he starts trying to ban Jesus, well… let’s just say we might need to revisit the question.

For my fellow Christians out there, especially the ones in deep denial about their modern savior of the world and America, just remember not to “worship or serve idols of any kind” Exodus 20:3-10 ERV

T***p’s “What Would Jesus Not Do?” Policies

For those in deep denial, I’d like to present a few really bad policies that I find blatantly un-Christian. Many so-called Christians support these policies very loudly, by the way.

1. Ripping Kids from Their Parents at the Border

You know, because nothing says family values like snatching crying toddlers from their moms and locking them in cages. Jesus was all about “suffer the little children,” but apparently, T***p’s version is more make the little children suffer. But…but…Obama! No, no, no, whataboutisms are not a logical argument AND it there is no defending the zero tolerance policy of the first t***p admin, even at the Justice Dept which t***p and elon now want in their attempts to downright unconstitutionally abolish the judicial branch.

2. Cutting Aid to the Poor—Because That’s What Jesus Would Do?

Feeding the hungry and helping the poor? Pfft, overrated! T***p slashed humanitarian aid and cut off foreign aid not in a fiscally responsible way but in a black and white, no soup for you kind of way…in no time flat, like he was canceling a bad reality TV show. Meanwhile, the Bible is over here screaming, “Uh, Matthew 25:35, anyone?”

3. ICE Raiding Churches—Because Jesus Would Totally Be Cool with That

Imagine Mary and Joseph showing up at the border today—oops, sorry, ICE just raided the stable. T***p’s policies turned houses of worship into immigration sting operations. Nothing says love thy neighbor like deporting them mid-prayer.

4. Healthcare? Who Needs That?

Rolling back contraceptive mandates because religious freedom—but also rolling back healthcare for the poor? It’s like picking the Bible verses you like and ignoring the ones about healing the sick. WWJD? Probably not take away grandma’s medication.

5. The “War on Christian Persecution” That Nobody Asked For

T***p launched a task force to combat anti-Christian bias in a country where 70% of people identify as Christian. What’s next, a campaign against too many Chick-fil-A locations?

It’s almost like someone skimmed the Bible and went, Nah, let’s do the opposite!

Finally, Some Historical / Biblical Names for the Antichrist

(a.k.a. Titles T***p Would Probably Love)

  • The Beast – A terrifying figure of destruction and chaos… or just what T***p sees in the mirror when his spray tan goes on too thick.
  • The Man of Sin – A guy so lawless and rebellious that even his own lawyers have to lawyer up.
  • The Son of Perdition – Literally means “Doomed Dude.” Sounds like a WWE wrestler, but actually refers to someone on a one-way ticket to ultimate destruction.
  • The Dragon – Usually associated with Satan, but let’s be honest—if T***p was a dragon, he’d be the kind that hoards golf courses and Diet Coke instead of treasure. He does have a thing for Gold, so I’ve heard.
  • The Little Horn – This one, to me, fits the most. T***p wouldn’t like this one. Could be a reference for his tiny hands, or the tiny thing Stormy Daniels talked about.
  • Perhaps a new one should be added – Teflon Don.

The Antichrist in Art

There have been many famous depictions of the Antichrist in art throughout history, often inspired by biblical prophecy, medieval fears, and apocalyptic literature. Here are some of the most well-known works. Do any look like MAGA to you? Any red hats? January 6th scenes?

1. Luca Signorelli – The Preaching of the Antichrist (1499–1502)

One of the most famous depictions, this fresco in Orvieto Cathedral, Italy, shows the Antichrist as a Christ-like figure whispering into the ear of Satan while delivering a sermon. The painting is filled with chaos, deception, and destruction, reflecting fears of false prophets leading people astray. This one looks like a foretelling of January 6th.

2. Albrecht Dürer – The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1498)

Though not directly depicting the Antichrist, this famous woodcut from Dürer’s Apocalypse series embodies the destruction associated with him. The scene is packed with figures symbolizing conquest, war, famine, and death, all of which are linked to the Antichrist’s reign.

3. Pieter Bruegel the Elder – The Triumph of Death (1562)

A chilling panorama of chaos, this painting shows a world consumed by death and destruction. While not an explicit depiction of the Antichrist, it embodies the kind of apocalyptic devastation that he is expected to bring.

4. William Blake – The Number of the Beast is 666 (1805-1810)

Blake’s surreal and nightmarish style captures the Book of Revelation’s apocalyptic themes. This watercolor depicts a monstrous, demonic beast—a key symbol associated with the Antichrist—looming over humankind.

5. Jean Duvet – The Beast and the Kings of the Earth (1555)

A chaotic engraving inspired by the Book of Revelation, showing the Beast of the Apocalypse dominating the kings of the earth, a direct nod to the Antichrist’s predicted rule.

6. Gustave Doré – The Vision of the Apocalypse (1866)

Doré’s dramatic black-and-white engravings for The Bible include numerous depictions of the Apocalypse, many featuring the Beast, a figure often equated with the Antichrist. His work remains some of the most visually striking biblical art ever produced.

While many of these focus on the broader themes of Revelation and the End Times, they all contribute to the lasting, terrifying image of the Antichrist as a bringer of chaos, deception, and destruction.

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By Dustin

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