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So this is it? People really decided the price of eggs not going down since Covid was more important than their kids’ future, their grandkids’ future, their fellow humans in Ukraine, immigrants, women, the rule of law, healthcare, and even democracy itself? They voted for the guy who cares about billionaire buddies, the guy who shrugs at price gouging while families get squeezed dry. Like somehow, this man is the solution? He’s going to wave a magic wand over inflation, wage stagnation, and Covid fallout by funneling our tax dollars straight into his own pockets and those of his crony pals. Because that’s clearly what matters most, right? Forget progress. Forget accountability. Forget common decency or any real change. Apparently, this is the America people want.

Let’s be real: when people start hurting financially, they throw out whoever’s in charge, no matter the cost to everyone else. Yeah, Bill Clinton was right – “It’s the economy, stupid” – but here we are, stuck in this miserable cycle, running back to trickle-down garbage as if it’s ever worked. We’ve got decades of proof it’s a sham, but people don’t give a damn. They don’t want to know how anything really works; they just parrot whatever loudmouths make them feel like part of the crowd. So they buy the lies of a con man. Again.

But hey, I’ll check back in six months when reality sinks in and nothing is better. No surprise there, though, because perception beats reality now. These same smug, stubborn die-hards will be bending over backward to ignore the obvious, still loyal to a felon who couldn’t care less about anyone but himself. I’m sick of it. And honestly? I feel zero love for this country right now. Not when this is what it stands for. It’s getting really hard to raise children with good character, honesty, decency, empathy, etc. when we live in a country overrun by people who don’t value it at all and use religion as their excuse to be complete careless assholes who don’t have to prove a damn thing, and can just put their faith in it. And if it doesn’t work out, it was just what was meant to be, or we deserved it. It’s the narcissist’s prayer to a T.

It’s fucking mind-blowing that this country handed the reins back to the same guy who left us in flames in 2020—a twice-impeached liar found liable for sex crimes and convicted of felonies against the country he’s now free to rule over again, erasing every last consequence. Screaming “fake news” at everything doesn’t erase reality or keep it out of the damn history books. These were facts, but apparently, as a collective, we’re just this fucking stupid. My heart aches for everyone who’s about to suffer for this colossal failure.

And the media? Congratulations, you miserable failures. You’ve outdone yourselves in pandering and fear-mongering for profit, completely forgetting your job to actually inform people. You’ve allowed real scandals, real assaults on the country, to slip right by so you could keep raking in cash by keeping the outrage alive. Shameful doesn’t even cover it; you’ve absolutely gutted public trust for profit.

And as for the DNC? Fuck you. You should all be fired on the spot. Letting Kamala skip being primaried—when she barely got anywhere in 2020—was an idiotic, arrogant gamble at a time when winning was everything. I’d love to see a woman president, someday. But guess what? Any strategist with half a brain should have recognized that the country isn’t there yet, that America is still racist and misogynistic as hell. So fine, put up the old white guy they’ll vote for if you have to, but no—you all had to push a strategy without any sense or strategy. You’re so out of touch it’s fucking embarrassing, couldn’t even answer that WE ARE BETTER OFF NOW THAN WE WERE FOUR YEARS AGO, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. And now we’re left with the fallout of your hubris. A whole new generation needs to take over because this right here was beyond stupid. You took someone who tanked in the 2020 primaries and made her your golden ticket. Just absolutely fucking brain-dead.

I have to stand for the pledge of allegiance at a meeting tonight. That’s going to be hard. I’ll have to do it for people in the past. I don’t know how to do it for this country right now. I’m so disappointed and pissed off at this country for failing at its most basic fucking responsibility.

And egg prices aren’t even going to go down. Tarriffs and bailouts for millionaires isn’t going to fix anything. The price of Megamansions might go down. Life’s going to be great for the 1%. Maybe some of them can profit off the war that’s going to break out in Europe now that Putin gets to do anything he wants. Just keep trying to win the lottery, I guess, maybe you’ll get to be one of them since you fucking love them so much, morons.

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By Dustin

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