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I got some hot dogs at the dollar store one time. They made sparks in the microwave.

So, there I was, cruising the aisles of the local dollar store, thinking, “Hot dogs for a buck? What a steal!” I mean, how often do you get to enjoy gourmet cuisine for less than the price of a soda? I grabbed a pack, feeling like a savvy shopper, and headed home with visions of an easy, delicious meal dancing in my head.

Once home, I tossed those dollar store hot dogs into the microwave like a seasoned chef. I hit the button, expecting the sweet smell of sizzling franks to fill the air. Instead, what I got was something entirely different—a mini fireworks show.

As soon as the microwave buzzed to life, sparks started flying. I stood there, frozen, watching what could only be described as the Fourth of July happening inside my microwave. “Is this normal?” I wondered, as the microwave continued to sizzle and pop like a broken-down carnival ride.

For a split second, I thought, “Maybe this is just how dollar store hot dogs work?” But then, common sense kicked in (a bit late, I admit), and I yanked open the microwave door. The sparks stopped, but I couldn’t help but laugh. Somehow, in my quest for a quick snack, I’d managed to turn my kitchen into a science experiment gone wrong.

After some Googling, I discovered that sometimes hot dogs have tiny bits of metal in them (what a fun bonus!) that can cause sparks.

Hot dogs can spark in the microwave due to arcing, which is when sparks are produced from a reaction between metallic materials and the microwave. This can be caused by an uneven mix of salts and additives in the hot dog.

Needless to say, I decided that maybe my next hot dog purchase should involve slightly more than a dollar investment. But hey, at least I got a good story out of it—and a brief, unexpected light show.

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By Dustin