Well the last week can be summed up as boring

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…which is mostly why this message has been delayed. I had a birthday, Liz had a birthday, but we didn’t do anything special. But I have sat down the last few nights to write this but had nothing to say, so I gave up. Tonight my brain is actually working. I’ll just talk about school. That should work.

So as you probably know I started another quarter of school last week.Yeah i’m lucky enough to go to school in July unlike the traditional University. School during the summer just doesn’t feel right. Back in high school the kids who went to school during the summer were the ones who failed during the regular school year, you know? They went during the summer to avoid getting held back. I was never in that position in high school so I got my summers off. At this point though, I think taking the summer off would just be a waste of time. What do I need the summer off for? And i’ve been in this non-stop mode the last two years so whenever I take a 2-week break now I get bored out of my mind. I guess I don’t mind being on the go 12 hours a day 7 days a week. This should be an interesting quarter, too. Some different classes, a break from Adobe (design software) for a while.

This quarter my week starts off on Monday. I go to Intro to 3D Modeling class at 8:00 in the morning. Have to be on the road at about 7:15, the traffic isn’t terrible at that time in the morning but not the best either. It’s average. But anyway, in 3D modeling we have to use Windows computers. Haven’t touched one in like 6 months. Wait, let me take that back, I touch one every day at work. Sorry, I forgot. Okay i’m getting off track again. In 3D Modeling we used a program called 3D Studio MAX. So far i’ve modeled a lego castle and a tricycle. Obviously we’re just learning the interface at this point, not doing anthing too huge. Although my trike turned out pretty cool. It’s the first time i’ve ever used the program, one of my roommates when I first moved here was an Animation student so he talked about and used 3dsmax all the time. It’s actually really fun.

Second class is Intro to Multimedia on Monday at 11:00 AM, immediately after Intro to 3D Modeling is over. My first class that deals with website design. Yeah, this website I taught myself how to design. But a lot of design is self-taught. I’m a pretty low-maintenance student, I learn best on my own. Sure I listen in class and pick stuff up from the lectures, but i’d say I learn 75% of the stuff on my own just by completing assignments and jobs for clients. However I will be learning a lot more about Macromedia Flash in this class and will be introduced to Macromedia Director. Never used Director before, so that will be good to finally learn. I haven’t had to use it yet, but having the knowledge will be useful. An interactive CD or DVD could be a new service I can offer after i’ve learned it.

After Intro to Multimedia I get an hour break, then I go to Publication Design class at 3:00 on Monday. It’s going to be another page layout class, basically. Nothing new here, just more chance to brush up my advanced skills with Adobe InDesign and Quark.

Then i’m done for the day. The same schedule for Monday is repeated on Wednesdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays I only have one class. I go to Literature at 10:00 AM. I have to give it to the Art Institute, although they are an Art School they manage to find some of the finest instructors around. The Literature instructor gives passionate, interesting lectures that are intelligent yet understandable by the average Joe. The class will be challenging, we’re going to be reading some tough stories and there will be a lot of reading. First that we’ve read was “The Epic of Gilgamesh” which is one of the oldest stories known of. It’s basically about this king who wants world renown and everlasting life and he abuses his townspeople and servants. He can dream the future and talk to the Gods, but he isn’t perfect. He takes his power too far and upsets the Gods, and they take his best friend from him. In the end he finds his chance at everlasting life and then loses it. But he learns the ever important lesson of what his destiny is. Not to live forever, but to be the King of his people and to be good to his people. It was a good story.

The next reading will be The Old Testament. Yes, from the Bible. I have to get started on that as soon as i’m through writing this.

So, this quarter will be a little different. A good break from all the Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop stuff. I’ve done so much with those programs that I could work in tech support for Adobe. I guess I shouldn’t go so far to say that.

And of course i’m still working as many hours at the bank as possible. Still answering the phone listening to people complain about how they don’t have any money. And it’s always the bank’s fault. Then I have to explain why it’s their fault. They never understand. I think they understand, they just don’t want to. Always end up just giving them some of their stupid NSF fees back. It’s not so bad though. It doesn’t drive me as crazy as telemarketing did. Sometimes I can’t wait until I don’t have to do it anymore though.

Been taking on a lot of freelance design jobs lately. Had to turn a few down the past month due to some personal circumstances around here. Had stuff going on that made it impossible to do the work. It would be like going to school full time, working 32 hours a week for the bank, and then working another part time job. I would only get about 3 hours a sleep per night. Well I practically do anyway, but that’s beside the point.

So that’s what’s going on. I’m taking on design projects now, i’ve got about 3 going on. Feel bad about turning down the others, lost what could have been highly profitable relationships. But, I guess I shouldn’t push myself too hard. Then I will have to go to the loony bin.

See you next time.

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By Dustin

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