…for all my webpages from the incredibly outdated Adobe GoLive. Until Adobe comes out with a better web design program, i’m switching to Macromedia, even though I really don’t like Macromedia. The reason I don’t like Macromedia is because they came out with this really cool thing called Flash. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a motion graphics type web design, which utilizes a lot of programming and it’s so tedious. But everyone is doing it, and HTML websites like this one just aren’t in anymore. So i’m trying to learn it, but i’m struggling and hating it. I think when I have registration for my next semester classes on Monday, i’m going to try to get a multimedia class so I can learn a little about Flash, because this self teaching thing is getting impossible. But enough about that, you might notice some slight image tweaking around the site. Plus, i’m doing a switchover on all the pages from Times New Roman font to Arial/Helvetica fonts. The serif font just didn’t seem to fit in with the imagery… so i’m wising up and doing the switch. If you didn’t notice any of this, well you’re not paying very close attention. Also, the Portfolio has undergone a massive overhaul, and it’s organized much better now. I’m working this weekend, got all my projects done on time although I only slept about 2 hours Thursday night, and Lizzie is dragging me to the Harry Potter movie. Other than that it’s going to be a very relaxing weekend.
Well i’ve completely switched over to Macromedia Dreamweaver
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