Feeling drained or maybe even panicked like me over politics today? Brain can’t stop taking it all in even though there’s so much else to do? Our brains are just darling, aren’t they?
It’s a familiar feeling, isn’t it? Like the world’s about to tip off its axis because of something you read or saw on the news. Here’s the thing: if you’ve got an anxiety-ridden or ADHD brain like mine, it thrives on this kind of chaos. Our brains, bless them, don’t really care whether the stimulus is good or bad, just that it’s there—something to latch onto, feed off of, and keep spinning that wheel of nervous energy.
It’s almost like your brain is constantly refreshing the feed, looking for its next fix. Even the panic, the worry, the spiraling thoughts—it all registers as something to chew on. So when it comes to politics, especially in today’s always-on, outrage-fueled news cycle, it’s like giving your anxiety a buffet of endless stimulation. And if you’re anything like me, it actually takes an effort to consciously pull back, step away, and remind yourself that you don’t need to be plugged into the madness 24/7. It’s a feeling of dread that stops you from avoiding the thing you dread, and maybe you’re coping with a “task paralysis” and using the strong stimulation from politics to avoid doing the tasks you should be. I’ve been dealing with that in a big way.
It doesn’t mean we have to stop caring about politics. But caring too much, in this hyper-stimulated way, is something I’ve decided just isn’t sustainable for me anymore. We can still engage, still care, but sometimes we have to train our brains to chill out and recognize that doomscrolling won’t save the world. It’ll just wear us out faster.
There’s now shame in therapy, guys. I’ve been doing it a couple years now and it’s been a big help. No shame in meds either, brain chemistry drives so much of this.
Book Recommendation
Full disclosure: I haven’t actually gotten this book yet but it was recommended on a Reddit forum. And I’m not being paid to make this recommendation either. I’m going to check it out, perhaps you’d like to also. https://anti-planner.com/shop/the-anti-planner-how-to-get-sht-done-when-you-dont-feel-like-it/
1. My Therapist and Family Physician
2. Header Image: A sketch by me titled "Darling Brain"