10 AM – 12 PM, Marketing Design
12PM – 3PM, Corporate Identity Design
4PM – 6PM, Environmental Science
No Classes
No Classes
10 AM – 12 PM, Marketing Design
12PM – 3PM, Corporate Identity Design
4PM – 6PM, Environmental Science
No Classes
No Classes
One of my classes is an independent study so I don’t have that listed here. It’s going to be a pretty nice open schedule though, classes only two days a week rather than 4. I think what makes it so nice is that two of my classes are only 2 hours long (rather than 3) and I have an independent study. This will allow me to get more hours in at work than previous quarters.
I’ve updated the top 40 music page in the stuff category for April, so be sure to check that out if it’s something that interests you. Nothing else is new today, i’m just enjoying my week off from school and am looking forward to a free weekend! Take care!
My Mood Today
A Little Confused