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If you’ve visited this website more than once, you probably noticed that there has been some major changes to the inside pages of this website. I’ve been planning to do something a little more interesting for quite some time, I realize this isn’t the most amazing website but it’s a start, you’ll see many more graphical enhancements to this layout or a layout like this in the upcoming weeks. The file sizes are a little big so the site loads kind of slow, especially if you’ve got a dial-up connection, so bear with me as I minimize the file sizes the best that I can. Not all of the pages will have the new layout right away, some will continue to have the old layout until I get time to update everything. These pages will include mostly the pages within the “stuff” section, especially all of the family tree pages. They will take some time to update. If you encounter any problems with the new design on your computer, please let me know so I can remedy it as other people may have the same problem. I tested the layout on 3 different computers (three different operating systems) with three different web browsers before I put this layout into place, and everything seemed to be working fine. But there may still be some bugs… Thanks!

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By Dustin

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