- Daylight savings time is stupid and should be abolished.
- Rap music was once great but has sucked for the past 25 years.
- Cats are actually really loving companions if you get good ones.
- Spiders get a bad rep, I appreciate them for eating bugs.
- The Oscars and the Rotten Tomatoes tomatometer have zero credibility when it comes to movies.
- Tavern style pizza is way overrated in the midwest.
- Some IPAs are really good, but most of them taste like RAID bug spray, including some very popular ones.
- Just because you’re in the passing lane doesn’t mean you get to go 20+ miles per hour over without having to occasionally wait patiently for other people passing at 5-10 miles over the limit.
- Small local businesses are not inherently better at everything than big corporations. Some small businesses are terribly run by terrible people.
- NBC, ABC, and CNN lean left but not even remotely as far as Fox, Newsmax, and OAN leans right, almost every news provider leans one way or another. In this era of cults following populist politicians wholeheartedly with “alternative facts” and ignoring anything their leader labels “fake news,” reality now clearly has a strong left wing bias and any news as neutral as possible probably sounds biased to them.
- 2001: A Space Odyssey is one of the most boring movies of all time.
- Simple TV shows and movies that are just fun and easy to watch and don’t provoke any thought are just as good as deep intellectual shows and movies.
- TV sitcom studio audiences are fine, they make you feel like you’re watching a stage performance with others the way humans did for many, many generations. It’s not that distracting if you’re paying attention and understand the humor and inside jokes.
- Pink Floyd and Radiohead are kinda mid, not the greatest bands of all time. Prog rock is mostly boring and I have to be in a rare mood for it.
- Lord of the Rings is only ok, it’s not mind-blowing and I don’t think I can rewatch any of it again and stay awake.
- Weddings are stupid and a complete waste of money.
- People who use artificial tanning methods, usually look way worse than they do in their natural skin color.
- The majority of men are super insecure and have terrible interpersonal skills and should be in therapy.
- Memory foam pillows and mattresses are terrible.
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