Hello. I’ve been neglecting the website a little the last few days

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I’ve been pretty busy. Getting lots of hours at work this week and plus it’s finals time so i’m wrapping up projects. I got an A on all my projects for the independent study, so I already know that grade. The other three classes i’ve been doing good in so i’m expecting the rest to be A’s. This quarter was a breeze. I wish it was like this every quarter, it wasn’t nearly as stressful and time consuming as quarters in the past. Plus the classes were extremely fun.

So I have just one week of classes left and then I get a three week break. I’m not going to take time off, i’m probably just going to go up to North Dakota one day so that I can renew my driver’s license. I have to do that before my birthday or i’m in trouble. I’ll be nice to get up there again, even if it’s just a day.

What i’ve been doing in my classes this quarter has been pretty fun. In marketing I put together a whole marketing plan for an athletic company (a made up company that is) and once it’s all finalized i’ll put the whole handbook up on the portfolio page.

I also did two corporate identity handbooks, one for two different classes. Basically a corporate identity handbook is a guide telling everyone within a company how to use the company logo and how not to use it. It’s very detailed because logos have to be consistent so they don’t want anyone messing with it. Sometimes you’ll see small businesses and their logo always seems to look a little bit different…. well I guess that might be part of the reason why they’re still a small business. I really enjoyed the corporate identity handbooks and it really wasn’t as much work as it appears to be. I’ll also put those two corporate identity handbooks on the portfolio page when they’re ready.

Besides that my other class was an Environmental Studies class. I know, it sounds like it probably consisted of a environmentalist preaching to us about how the world is going to end. Actually it was very interesting and the teacher really taught the class well. I learned a lot about a lot, and usually science isn’t my thing. We actually played a little game this week, called the “Environmental Game.” What it consisted of was splitting the class into three groups. Islanders, Environmentalists, and Developers. The Environmentalists had to come up with a plan to present to the Islanders of how to preserve their island and get food to them (because they were running out of food resources as there was no longer a fish population in the area.) The developers has to present a plan to them that would benefit them by building on the land. The islanders would have to question both sides as they presented their plans and ultimately decide which way to go. As we prepared our plan we knew very little about what the islanders wanted and what the developers were going to do so it was interesting.

Today was kind of a groggy day. It didn’t rain but it was cloudy most of the day. There’s always a burst of sun and warmth just as we’re getting dressed to leave the for work it seems, and after we’ve dressed for, you know, summer , the temp drops 20 degrees. Then after supper it gets sunny again. At least it didn’t rain, I rode my bike today so it was nice not to get soaked. I don’t remember if I mentioned it on here but around the same time my car broke down the seat was stolen off my bike when it was downtown. I bought it at Target and didn’t realize that it was so difficult to get replacement parts for “department store bikes.” I went to a bike store and they couldn’t help me, Target has bike seats but doesn’t have the bike post that goes into the frame of the bike (which was stolen with the bike seat, because it easily slides off rather than doing any unscrewing.) I had an old Huffy bike in our storage room so I checked to see if the seat would work off of that. It was too small. I thought there has to be an easy solution to that problem. And I grabbed the duct tape and wrapped it around the post, giving it a larger diameter, and pushed it into the frame. It went in, and it’s staying in, in fact it’s in so good I don’t think it’ll ever come out again but hey that’s okay. I wrapped duct tape around it like crazy to discourage people from even attempting to steal it. The old seat isn’t quite as comfy as my old one, unfortunately, but it works.

The biking is getting me some exercise at least. I haven’t started running yet. I guess i’m waiting for some reason. Maybe when my break from school comes i’ll get the energy to just get up and go do it and start disciplining myself to a running schedule again. I’m really going to have to break my caffeine addiction if I expect to be able to run more than 400 yards, it’s getting pretty bad at this point. 4-6 cans of Coke and 2 Hazelnut Latte’s a day is a bit excessive. Someone at work suggested drinking caffeine free soda and decaffienated coffee until my headaches go away, I guess it should help trick my body into thinking it’s getting the caffeine but it’s really not. It’ll at least quench my thirst, I guess. But we’ll see, if there are any doctors out there with a suggestion it’s definitely welcome.

Well, homework to do, and must get to bed at a reasonable time. See you next time. Have a nice weekend.

Message Posted at:
9:20 PM

Today I’m Listening To:
Revis, Seven


70 Degrees
Overcast all day, no precip, clouds cleared mostly at around 7:00

My Mood Today


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By Dustin

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